Shoot to kill

We found that we had accumulated four libraries for generating/parsing JSON:

  1. json-lib - net.sf.json.JSONObject etc
  2. json-lib - org.json.JSONObject etc
  3. GSON
  4. Jackson

In fact, the most-commonly-used library was the old json-lib, which includes some entertaining misfeatures. Consider adding a property to an object with a string value:

@Test public void put_adds_a_string_to_an_object() {
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    String value = "value";
    obj.put("prop", value);
    assertThat(obj.get("prop"), is(equalTo(value)));
    assertThat(obj.toString(), is(equalTo("{\"prop\":\"value\"}")));

That string might "magically" be converted to an object, just because it looks like JSON (so every string put feeds the value to the JSON parser):

@Test public void put_adds_raw_json_to_an_object() {
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    String value = "{ \"a\": 1 }";
    obj.put("prop", value);
    assertThat(obj.get("prop"), is(not(equalTo(value))));
    assertThat(obj.get("prop"), is(equalTo(JSONObject.fromObject(value))));
    assertThat(obj.toString(), is(equalTo("{\"prop\":{\"a\":1}}")));

And some other mangling is less obvious:

@Test public void put_strips_quotes_from_strings_sometimes() {
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    String value = "\"[value]\""; // also "\"{value}\""
    obj.put("prop", value);
    assertThat(obj.get("prop"), is(equalTo(value.replaceAll("\"", ""))));
    assertThat(obj.toString(), is(equalTo("{\"prop\":{\"a\":1}}")));
    assertThat(obj.toString(), is(equalTo("{\"prop\":\"[value]\"}")));

Do you want this property value to be a scalar or array?

@Test public void accumulate_one_scalar() {
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    obj.accumulate("a", 1);
    assertThat(obj.toString(), is(equalTo("{\"a\":1}")));
@Test public void accumulate_two_scalars() {
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    obj.accumulate("a", 1);
    obj.accumulate("a", 2);
    assertThat(obj.toString(), is(equalTo("{\"a\":[1,2]}")));
@Test public void accumulate_one_array() {
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    obj.accumulate("a", ImmutableList.of(1, 2));
    assertThat(obj.toString(), is(equalTo("{\"a\":[1,2]}")));
@Test public void accumulate_two_arrays() {
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    obj.accumulate("a", ImmutableList.of(1, 2));
    obj.accumulate("a", ImmutableList.of(3, 4));
    assertThat(obj.toString(), is(equalTo("{\"a\":[1,2,[3,4]]}")));

("fixed" in the org.json version, but incompatibly)

The central serialization method

public String toString() {
   if( isNullObject() ){
      return JSONNull.getInstance()
      Iterator keys = keys();
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "{" );

      while( keys.hasNext() ){
         if( sb.length() > 1 ){
            sb.append( ',' );
         Object o =;
         sb.append( JSONUtils.quote( o.toString() ) );
         sb.append( ':' );
         sb.append( JSONUtils.valueToString( o ) ) );
      sb.append( '}' );
      return sb.toString();
   }catch( Exception e ){
      return null;

Verify output, not intermediate objects

Lots of tests were written to get hold of a produced JSONObject and examine what was inside it. Refactoring these to format the object out to JSON encourages testing against an interface rather than an implementation.

/* old style */ @Test public String the_thing_has_a_price() {
    JSONObject obj = renderer.render(theThing());
    assertEquals(obj.getJSONObject("price").get("currency"), "GBP");
    assertEquals(obj.getJSONObject("price").get("amount"), 1.2);
/* new style */ @Test public String the_thing_has_a_price() {
    JSONObject obj = renderer.render(theThing());
    // allow single quotes in reference to avoid backslash-quote overload
    // btw JSONObject always uses relaxed parsing
               isEquivalentTo("{ 'price': { 'currency' : 'GBP',"
                                        + " 'amount': 1.2 }"));

Verifying output

Structural matchers if an equivalence test is too detailed.

@Test public String the_thing_has_a_price() {
    JSONObject obj = renderer.render(theThing());
                                .withProperty("currency", "GBP")
                                .withProperty("amount", jsonNumber(closeTo(1.2, 0.01))))));

In fact, these matchers are implemented using the Jackson tree model, so this is almost an interop check.

Two left standing

We are now using just two JSON librarys: the org.json generation of json-lib and Jackson.

Widely-used and high-performance library, covering three distinct layers: streaming, generic document model and data binding. Flexible, with a complex API to match.
Simple to understand and use, with mostly common-sense serialization of common types, but no attempt at flexibility beyond that. (Just stay away from that "accumulate" method)

Others out there

We already expose services from Merc and Abacus as JSON using a protobuf-as-JSON transform.
JSR-353 jsonp/Kenai
Reference implementation of javax.json quite similar to org.json